For this project in Motion Design, I had to design a poster adverting an event of my choice
and overlay motion pieces that will be viewed in AR through the app Artivive.
Our project goals include understanding the motion graphics process, familiarizing self with Adobe After Effects and its uses, learning to brainstorm original ideas, learning to tell a story through my poster, thinking two-dimensionally and three-dimensionally, and learn basic AR.
1. 11'' x 17'' poster designed around an event.
2. Design static and motion pieces to interact with the 2D poster in Artivive.
3. Mix both static and video augmented content
4. Content should display at different depths (z-axis) throughout the experience.
5. There should be a minimum of three augmented pieces to compliment the 2D poster (1-2 motion layers, 1-2 illustration layers).
Through the app, viewers can use their phone to scan over digital poster or the poster print and have the motion displayed in AR!